Took Gabe to the Academy of Sciences. Admiring fellow "bugs"

Tiny frogs in the rain forest dome

Tiny lizards.

You know those suckermouth fish that slick to the glass and clean up fish tanks? Well this is like the suckerfish of the lizard world. And on the right is the suckerfish of the culinary world. Except the lizard just sticks to glass and Gabe just cleans up so they are similar for different reasons.

A scene from Finding Nemo's house of horrors. Shrimps melting in the arms of anemones.

Bugs! 3D

This is kinda creepy. Either Yoda frog, or a Quato frog.

OK, now to the cleaning. Thanh Long for Crab.

Pre-meal beer while we waited for Gabe's friends to show up.

Was this our guilt veggies? One plate of veggies to share between 7 of us. It was just there for the illusion of health and fiber. count: 1 plate

Garlic noodles. very tasty. count: 6 plates

Tasty Crab. count: 5
3 roasted, 1 tamarind, 1 drunken

Marco Polo for gelato

1 comment:
aaah the frog is so cute. I feel like a lizzard recently so I kinda relate to them and get all emotional about them!
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