Visiting her old (and apparently haunted by a harmless but snoring ghost O__o) apartment.

Dim Sum

Me, Grace, her former Landlord Michael and son Larry.

I'm trying to get Grace to set up a flicker account so she can share the many pictures she takes. I've also trying to convince her to start a hydrant set (yes, she's the hydrant girl).

We met up with her friend Shawna at Nob Hill.

And went to Crepevine on Irving

And then Grace went on an epic booking shopping spree at the Green Apple on Clement.

And this was round 2 of buying more books at the Green Apple.

Dinner at Jang Soo BBQ where I last randomly ran into my cousin Scarlet.

This was like some super $37 casserole.

"Fighting" over food

Haemul Dolsot Bibimbap

Steamed(?) Kalbi Stew


And then to dessert at Golden Island Cafe on Noriega.

Mango Sago

Red Bean Pudding

Papaya and White Tree Ear


Me, Grace, and "Shawna" hehehe
Hooray, see you in October Grace!
1 comment:
wah Larry got so big O_O
yeah get flicker or photobucket grace or have a blog dammit! XDDD
and see you in september grace!
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