Twas their Grand Opening. And twas FREE! Thus(ly), the line was long to get in but it moved rather quickly. Didn't take more than 5 minutes to get in.

Artsy Stair well. Except it's not a well.

Inside the Cube. They had a sound exhibit in here were music composed from various (Jewish?) artist (including Lou Reed) played. Each piece was inspired by a letter of the Hebrew Alephbet.

Cube from outside with gift shop at base. These are all the pics I took. I could take any inside the main gallery area and wasn't feeling up for ninja photography. Pretty cool. I spent the most time watching a documentary of sorts where a bunch of academics talked about how the book of Genesis not only fits but complements modern day science. I like the indirect dig at "Intelligent" Design. I think the best scientific point brought up is that if God made the world in 7 days, before he made the earth and sun, how did he ever measure one day? To that, a rabbi made this joke.
Man: God, how long is a 100 million years to you?
God: Ah, but a minute.
Man: God, how much is 100 million dollars to you?
God: Ah, but a penny.
Man: God, will you loan me a penny?
God: Of course! Just give me a minute...
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