EID Mubarak (the end of Ramadan) with Shaheed and his clan.

Marilyn prepping chocolate for future ridiculousness.

Behind the scenes work. Color me jealous of their cooking facilities.

The spread was extravagant. Why do I even try? I can not beat this.

Aps - around 8 of them + 2 drinks, there was this never ending supply of them. I don't know how they kept refilling all the plates. Do they run a restaurant in their house or something?

Main course spread

Mixed nuts


Chicken wrap thing? They didn't put their traditional names out, if this is traditional Fijian-Indian cuisine.

Meatball kabob?

Ah, this one I know. Stuffed mushrooms. Stuffed with... ?? ? @____@

More wrap cross-sections.

A milk + fruit mixture of goodness.


Aloo Baingan

Green Bean-orama, the official name I am told...

A chicken curry

"beef + onion"

Remember that chocolate? This is the future ridiculousness I spoke of. A double chocolate fondue fountain. As if the ridiculous spread of foods wasn't enough. They had to go there.

Dessert tray

Let the gorging begin. Well for me at least. Apparently Shaheed had been gorging all day as they visit all their family and friends house throughout the day eating and gorging at each and every stop. After all Ramadan is a period of fasting where Muslims cannot eat when the sun is up. It ends when the moon appears after a new moon. This is some serious eating folks!

Much like the ridiculousness of the food spread, the ridiculousness continued in Shaheeds game collection with 3 fuction Asian arcade cabinets, giant teal cartridges for said cabinets (one cabinet is a xbox 360 home-hack setup) various collectible paraphernalia...

every gaming console in existence, probably around 1000 games. Many from Japan. Why this hasn't been documented on Kotaku is beyond me.

Sweet relaxation.

Apple tea FTW. EID Mubarak!
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