Another holiday of festivals. Or is it festival of holidays. It's probably neither but both in that... oh never mind.

Lumpia's by Kristle

Prunes and goat cheese by Kristin.

Daphne splainin' the White Elephant rules.

Master party planner Ed.

It was a pretty civil white elephant until about this point. Some crazy stealing started happening and it all started with this scarf.

I ended up having Twister stolen from me and made out with 2 of those reusable grocery bags and some ikea ice cube molds in the shape of bottles and puzzle pieces. I can actually use those.

Theo (and Jason and Karen by proxy) ended up with the mushroom sponge I brought. He seems to be enjoying it and with that jacket on, reminds me of a Tonberry holding its lantern.

Some Apples to Apples. Happy Holidays to all.
1 comment:
these photos look straight out of readymade or any of those hip young somethings magazines
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