Lark Pien. See the full collection here.

Studio Gallery's 4th Anniversary.

We went to this place across from Studio Gallery called Miller's East Coast Deli. This is the first deli I've been to in SF that had any resemblance to a New York deli. The portions were huge. The sandwiches had high stacks of meet. Some lady had this giant salad big enough for two. Reminded me of the $12 Mussel Spaghetti (for two) you could get from the Mohegan Dinner. Here is a Kasha "appetizer." I'm never ordering this again because, 1) it was way too big to be an appetizer. 2) it was only okay. Not good enough to eat that much. Maybe if shared amongst 6-8 people.

Potato and Spinach Knishes. These were the open face variety (as opposed to the deep fried hot-pocket variety).

My mega Bratwurst.

MONSTER meatloaf. The monsterous broccoli is a bit deceiving. While the perspective is a bit skewed, check out the size of Anthony's hand in the background.

Some weird products I found in a grocery store.

Mexican Ramen?
Afterwards, Shuffleboard at Buckshot and Pitchers at Fizzies.
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