There was a show at the Hemlock. The first group was called Orb of Confusion. I don't really partake in heavy metal but with a pair of earplugs, it can be quite rocking. They gave out free demo CDs afterwards so it I will probably check them out tomorrow at work.

Above is a blurry version of Lozen from Tacoma, Washington. Again, the heavy metal was rocking. These two girls can really rock. However... I really came to see this band from Okinawa, Japan. Coworker Ed sent me a link and they seemed... interesting. I was pleasantly surprised by the first two bands. Lozen was much better than OoC but I was not fully prepared for Bleach03. I had seen some videos on youtube and knew they were heavy metalish but for some reason, the bassist was not in the video I saw. Awesome. I love surprises.

I had to post that video. These pictures clearly don't get the whole scope of it.

Even this crazy expression falls well short of communicating what was going on.

I came away impressed enough to (borrow money and) buy and album. This will be a welcome addition to the Ipod as I have found myself recently skipping songs saying "no, not rocking enough." I don't want to be put asleep in the car afterall. Speaking of which, it's late again. I have not been getting enough sleep so far this week.

Some Turkey at Tommy's Joynt. Some of it was kinda dry. I think I just stick with juicy Corned Beef from now on. Mmmmmm...
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