Pre-brunch fun in the park

rock climbing

Dan: I will conquer you rocky corner!

Happiest dork in the world moment

Zip line happiness.

I really like how these all came out. The expressions we all have are so genuine. While understandable, it's kind of lame you can't go to a playground in California without kids (sexual predator laws). The price of protection!

Longanesa Redux


[???] This picture came out a bit blurry. I think they appear clearer in the "visual summary" pic below.






Chicharones again.

MASSIVE fruit plate

Sticky rice (with coconut side topping)

Fried banana (with mango piece which makes a big difference in the taste)



Apple Pie

Pineapple Cake


Another type of sticky rice wrapped in banana leaf

Visual summary of food spread...

...and the dessert table.

Romy showing us some of his animations.

So big!

what is that interesting thing they are playing?

Downhill Jam... so... fun!

Our Prop(eller) Plane

This was a two leg trip to Portland with the first flight lasting only 15 minutes.

Portland, Oregon

Dan, the Soup Baron

Kรคse Fondue mit Bier Schnitzel
too salty. A war of Filipino and German sausages raged in my belly.

Chicken Waldorf Salad
Jeremy: "Order it! I want to see what it looks like."
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