Not one to skimp on a party, Shaba hosted its Shrek Super Slam party at the 12 galaxies bar/mini club in the Mission with a dim sum spread and an open bar. I didn't get to sample the bites because I foolishly went to an Indian restaurants before-hand with coworkers that took entirely too long for just ok food. I guess I guilted myself into not ditching them and can only blame myself. I could have swore I was telling myself earlier that even "This is Shaba! Of course they are gonna have nice h'ourderves at the party!" So I got there late, went straight for Tequilla, got a Scotch Whisky shot (turned out to be two) with J-nish, Margarita (? - oh yeah, saw someone else with one - I'm not very good at ordering drinks), then started and put down both a Tequilla sunrise and a Guiness. I had a good time socializing, meeting people, seeing people again, getting hugged by drunk guys, flirting (NOT with the guys!), drinking, people watching, etc.

Tanjoobi Omedetou Takkun. Mojitos and Soju cocktails. A very excellent night indeed! So many random familiar faces showed up. Toshi whom I haven't seen in like 3 years was there with his wife Yoshie who I met for the first time. This girl Ami who I only realized was in my illustration 3 class after she said her name (and her bf Joe - I've seen them walking about SF). Jung Jing and her korean crew mozied in for some post-midterm drinks. Jennifer Chang showed up later in the night. Got to have some chat time with her. Alex who I randomly see. Then the more regulars like Deda, Kevin, Jeremy, Oliver, Casey, Tomoko, and the guest of honor, Tatsuya of course! Location was at the Cafe Royale on Post and Leavensworth. A nice little place good for lounging and drinking.

The only picture I snapped. A bunch of Japanese folk I hardly know...
More pics if I get some???
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