Plananas. Or as the common folk call them, Plantanes. or is it spelt Plantines?

Chicken d'Plenty

Together with rice and salad.

Producer Anonymous Ness. aka Kwang

Chef Ness. aka Kwang

Lead Designer Toby (cubby) waiting for the grub.

Jamie in Kayak says "I hear food!"

Junoir Bobbites along the Beach? Could they have heard food as well?

Lead Artist Terry - Peter peeking from behind. Is he hearing food or is he contemplating what it might be like to get stuffed and or denied. So following Puerto Rican food, I indulged in lunch #2 of jumbo Ness Burger with grilled corn of the cob. Unbelieveably stuffed, I did what most other would do. Kayaking! Mostly in great fear of my life as I kept imagining a Great White shark capsizing my tiny vessel. Fortunately, I reached shore safely. Having paddled my way against the current, I finally came to land and did what anyone else would do after such an strenuous exercise. Volleyball!

Huddleston delievers your wish Terry!

The Hawk Dan. aka Jimmy! (with exclamation mark)

And sly bastard Sunil contemplating what Nat might feel like if kneed in the groin. Paul Yan contemplates "yeah, that would be humorous. Humorous but unlikely to happen."

Terry is the only parent to successfully pull off this stunt. Several unnamed parents attempted it only to have their names screaming in horror and pain.
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