Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Harryhausen Sunday

I didn't go to work today. As it turns out, I suddenly had 10 hours on hand to do ___________? Solution, impromptu party! So I called everyone and said "Impromptu Party!" It seemed like a bunch of people would show up and we'd watch some Ray Harryhausen. But alas, it would only be Deda and Tomoko. Can't complain! Many good treats from Creations desserts and Bok Choy Garden (vegetarian chinese restaurant next door - i have lunch for tommorrow!)

Yes, you should be jealous.

Why do these villians care to be Calliph when they have such great powers? It'd be easy to raise an army of loyal followers and soldiers when your leader has the brains to construct a fully automated metal minotaur golem. What soldier doesn't want to be on the side with the Minoton? I do.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sailaway / Dedaday

(Secret Pirate snuck in) Snacks at the Tea House - Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park

Death to Cheesecake

Death to veggie Pizza

Death to Kevin (???)

Deda Sparrow defending the honor of Lady Kawabunga.

Bridge of Friendship - I am wearing my "Pirate Pendant"

How easily the Bridge of Friendship is betrayed. I am afraid. Yes, really. You see, GT can sometimes be a clumsy girl. Afraid.

It's a Dedasaur! ichiban no shashin

at the Koi pond (with no Koi) where we would stay and be loud for the next hour or so.

niban no shashin

Pirate GT

"It's all mine" umm... what's Yaoi mean anyways?

No caption required!

Karaoke at Do Re Mi. They had a decent selection of songs.
There is a 4 in 5 chance that she is singing "Gackt Chan Sukiiiiiiii"

Obon Odori Festival, Japantown, SF

Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday Fun!

Dream Day - a.k.a - and I cannot take credit for this "Hypnotic Right Breast"

Postcoitus whose shorts really needed to be shorter to fit the part.

pre-op for Shotgun Beer for Chips exchange program.

Poker exchange program Sponsor.

In-op shotgun glass of wine for chips program.