Can you believe it? 8 AM Beer! Doesn't it look like he's selling a product in a cheesy ad?

Bootin' up. Where is Mike Ebert? L -> R Paul, Terry, Laurie

An excited Jimmy on his first Gondola ride.


Programmers Robert & Ping coming off the lift.


Ping & Robert again. This time ON the lift.

Cheerful Nat Loh! Sadly, I do not realize my sunglasses would not finish the trip with me. Someone decided to lift them at the village starbucks and not turn them into lost and found. Bastards!

Ping & Robert again! On the slopes.

View of Lake Tahoe (I think...)

What I once knew as "Snow Dogs" now called "Ski Blades"

Mountain trail featuring a mystery programmer. Hint: rhymes with Ding!

Ian with Lunch

More lunching TFB. L -> R, Adi, Toby, Concealed Dacko, Huddles, Robert.

Exhausted! I went down the entire Mountain about twice and took two big bails on the Terrain Park. That rental guy was crazy suggesting it!

After Ski Drinks. Paul, I.T. Guy Kelly & his wife.

Ian, Huddles, Dacko

Hedwig, "Meatshake", Adi, Axel

TFB took over the entire outside section of this Bar/Restaurant.

Toby, drinking since 8 AM, toasts with Terry's kids.

And is pose happy. Cheers!
Conclusion: I will be sore tommorrow. Fun though! Disappointed I didn't get to ice skate. They shut the rink down due to weather. Jimmy skated for an hour or so singing loudly to 80's songs as only he can do. We went for Chao Praya afterwards. The Tom Ka Kai relaxed my lethargic body out. More moving tommorrow.